Robert Wyatt-搜索结果

  • 英国迷幻音乐的黄金时代 Psychedelic Britannia


    导演:Sam Bridger   编剧:

    主演:奈格尔·派纳, 保罗·麦卡特尼, Ginger Baker, Robert Wyatt, Roy Wood, Mike Heron

      Documentary exploring the rise and fall of the most visionary period in British music history: five kaleidoscopic years between 1965 and 1970 when a handful of dreamers reimagined pop music.
      When a generation of British R&B bands discovered LSD, conventions were questioned. From out of the bohemian underground and into the pop mainstream, the psychedelic era produced some of th...



    导演:David Mallet   编剧:

    主演:DAVID GILMOUR, Michael Kamen, Chucho Merchan, Dick Parry, Robert Wyatt, Caroline Dale, Bob Geldof, Richard

      你知道 David Gilmour吗?如果答案是否定那你该一定知道Pink Floyd吧,David Gilmour就是Pink Floyd的吉他兼主唱,想必很多一谈起Pink Floyd 遍言必称 Roger Waters,其实如果没有 David Gilmour 的躲在后面的华丽细腻的吉他,恐怕 Pink Floyd 也无法达到现在的地位吧,而且从1987年始,Pink Floyd 就是以 David Gilmour 为核心了。
      这张《演出中》DVD是这他在英国两场个人演唱会的录影剪辑,音质画面都是一流的。演出曲目以Pink Floyd以前的经典为主,这些歌曲被David Gilmour用原声吉他重新赋予了新的生命力,当然Pink Floyd特有的华丽和大气他一点也没丢。演出开始的“Shine On You Crazy Diamond”由 Dav...

  • 不列颠前卫摇滚-对三个运动的一个观察 Prog Rock Britannia - An Observation in Three Movements


    导演:Chris Rodley   编剧:

    主演:Robert Wyatt, Phil Collins, Ian Anderson

      Prog Rock Britannia is a comprehensive, feature-length documentary about progressive music and the generation of bands that made it - from the international success stories of Yes, Genesis, ELP, King Crimson and Jethro Tull, to the trials and tribulations of the lesser-known bands such as Caravan and Egg.
      The film is structured in three parts, charting the birth, rise and decli...